Details of the 2019-2020 programme can be found here.
The Day release program is an essential and valuable part of the ST3 year. On the course we aim to help ST3s develop the core skills and knowledge base that form the GP Curriculum. We also help the Registrars to prepare for all aspects of the nMRCGP examination, and to make best use of the e-portfolio.
The course runs on a Thursday, for 30 weeks of the year, and dovetails with the Thursday lunchtime lectures and independent learning, usually in small study groups. A typical day will therefore be as follows:
08:30 coffee for a prompt start at 09:00
09:00 - 12:00 VTS course
13:00 - 14:00 GP Clinical Update
14:00 - 17:00 Independent Learning / Study Groups.
The Half Day Release helps trainees to develop the key communication skills essential for General Practice, but also provides a nutruring environment for trainees to support one another and learn from each other as the year progresses.
The course is mandatory, and comprises half of the annual study leave requirement of 30 days for the ST3 year (counting as 30 half days). You are encouraged not to take annual leave or study leave during the course, and the Deanery expect days missed for leave to be less than 20% of the course.
We do need to keep Trainers informed if their ST3 fails to attend the course without notice, and so it is vital to let the Programme Directors know if you are going to be absent.
Please e-mail Donna at donnastevens@nhs.net to advise us of any absence.