Thursdays are the key educational day throughout your GP training. During your training you will have four months in an ITP post (ITP stands for Integrated Training Post and is part time in General Practice and part-time in a Hospital Specialty). During this time you will have a mixture of tutorials in General Practice and group teaching at the Education Centre. For 10 weeks in the 4 months there will be a Thursday morning teaching session, held either at the Post-Graduate Education Centre or in GP Practices from 10:00-12:00. This is facilitated by the Programme Directors and trainers, with the sessions being led by each trainee in turn who brings a case to discuss, and some learning that flows out of the case.
During the ITP post you will be required by the Deanery to undertake the following (in addition to the usual e portfolio requirements):
One Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (if this is not managed during the post then you can do 2 in the ST3 year).
Twenty-four hours of OOH experience. This will usually be in a supernumerary capacity, mainly observing (Red on the traffic light scheme). However if you would like, and your Trainer feels you are competent you can work closely supervised and see some patients (Amber).
GP Teaching when in a hospital post
A key component of GP teaching throughout your GP training is the GP Clinical Update. We also hold termly whole group teaching for ST1s and 2s for which you will need to apply for study leave. These are on a Thursday morning from 9-2 (including the Clinical Update that week). Topics so far have included women's health, cancer care and respiratory disease.